favicon Remote SJCAM SJDASH

Using this page you can remote your camera.

If you want to use this webpage, follow the tutorial.

Here you can view, download and delete content on the camera.

Here you can start live streaming or start or stop recording.


Here you can capture a photo, you need to have the shooting mode set.

Here you can set the camera

Cyclic recording:

Automatic recording of the same long videos in a row, when the memory will be full, will begin to overwrite from the oldest.


Greater contrast between light and dark areas when shooting.

Motion detection:

Motion detection.

Time stamp:

Mark the video with the date and time of the white color at the bottom right of the video.

License number:

Mark the video with the vehicle evidence number of the white color at the bottom right of the video. It only appears if the time stamp is activated.

Gravity Sensing:

Sensitivity of the gravity sensor to automatically lock videos with accident events (High - sensitive, Medium - little sensitive, Low - low sensitive).


Screen saver. If the GPS sensor is turned off and screensaver is set to Off, the screen does not turns off. If the GPS sensor is turned on and screensaver is set to 30sec, 1min, 3min or 5min then after 20 seconds the blue tachometer will be displayed.


The GPS sensor, if turned on, shows the speed of the white colour at the bottom right of the video. If you do not have a GPS module, you can turn this feature off because otherwise it will display 0Km/h. It only appears if the time stamp is activated.
If the GPS sensor is turned on, the screen saver is the tachometer.


Voice warning when leaving the lane. (Lane departure warning system)

Keypad Tone:

Keypad Tone.

Date and time:

Change date and time.

Wi-Fi name:

Change the Wi-Fi network name of the camera.

Wi-Fi password:

Zmena hesla Wi-Fi siete kamery.

Reset to default:

Reset to default factory settings.


Format SD card.



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