Zaujíma vás pravda o MegaUploade? Aký dôvod viedol k jeho zrušeniu..Na Google Plus sa predvčerom objavil zaujímavý článok

K zrušeniu „mega“ webov zrejme viedol fakt že sa MegaUpload chystal spustiť službu MegaBox, ktorej cieľom bolo poskytovať hudbu zdarma, napriek tomu by ale producenti mali zaplatené.


Pár týždnou pred zrušním webu Digital Music News oznámili to čo sa Megaupload chystali spraviť. Niečo čo by zásadne zmenilo hudobný priemysel.

I present to you… MegaBox. MegaBox was going to be an alternative music store that was entirely cloud-based and offered artists a better money-making opportunity than they would get with any record label.

Nielen, že plán mal umožnovať umelcom aby získali 90% s ich príjmov v MegaBoxe. Ale mal platit za piesne ktoré by užívateľ stiahol zadarmo.

Vyjadrenie MegaUploadu

We have a solution called the Megakey that will allow artists to earn income from users who download music for free,” Dotcom said. “Yes that’s right, we will pay artists even for free downloads.  The Megakey business model has been tested with over a million users and it works



„UMG knows that we are going to compete with them via our own music venture called, a site that will soon allow artists to sell their creations directly to consumers while allowing artists to keep 90 percent of earnings,“ MegaUpload founder Kim ‚Dotcom‘ Schmitz told Torrentfreak


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