Podvodné e-maily
Vaša e-mailová vyhral
Vyhrali ste XYZ miliónov eur v e-mail lotérií, tak sa môžu začínať slová falošnej správy šírenej elektronickou poštou. E-maily tváriace sa že ste niečo vyhrali sú väčšinou nespisovne napísané sú podvodné praktiky klamárov, ktorí sa od vás budú snažiť získať údaje o vašom bankovom účte a podobne. V závislosti od toho akú e-mailovú službu používate sa tieto podvodné e-maily môžu ocitnúť v schránke prijatých správ namiesto SPAM priečinku kam patria. Najlepším spôsobom je ignorovať takéto e-maily (odpoveďou len potvrdíte že e-mail účet je aktívny). Ak používate služby G-mail môžete takéto správy nahlásiť ako spam alebo phising priamo v správe.
posledného oznámenia Vaša e-mailová ID vyhral (450,000.00 eur) v "El Gordo" španielskej Medzinárodná email lotérie ocenenie sa šťastné čísla a 9/11/13/24/43 Ref: ES/9420X2/68. Pre objasnenie a postup Kontakt: STALLION MEGA NÁROK AGENCY Pane, Juan Carlos E-mail, infostalon@aol.com Tel :0034-688 381 441 (Angol a hovoriť španielsky) Svoje celé mená, adresa, vek, povolanie, telefónne čísla, Pošlite svoje záznamy do tohto e-mailu: infostalon@aol.com Gratulujeme. S pozdravom, Dobrý den,
Ty byly vybrány pro příjem milionů eur. (EURO 1,000,000.00). Zde získal
ocenění MICROSOFT 2013.
Spojit se podnikem Mr.Ryan Označit e-mailem.
delieverableryanmark@gmail.com a získat své peníze.
You have been selected to receive million euros. ( EURO 1,000,000.00 ).
You won the MICROSOFT AWARD 2013.
Contact Mr.Ryan Mark now Via Email. delieverableryanmark@gmail.com
and receive your money.
Príklady jednoduchej formy e-mailu oboznamujúceho „výhru“, v druhom prípade si môžete všimnúť v slove Congratulation je použíte číslo nule namiesto písmena o aby správa mala väčšiu šancu prejsť cez spam filter.
Godly Greetings to you as i write to introduce myself properly since we have not met or had any contact before. I am Ms. Zeinah Mansour from Zamalka Town in Southern Syria, the wife of Late Dr. Aboulafia Mansour, an Oil Merchant that lost his life in the August 21st 2013 Chemical Attack in Syria by the Bashar al-Assad regime. When my late husband was alive, he deposited the sum of U$28,200,000.00 (Twenty-Eight Million, Two Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) with one finance/security Company in Western Europe as a bulk and security deposit due to the anticipated civil war in Syria and the fund is still presently with this Financial/Security Company. Recently my Doctor told me that I might not last for another three months or thereabout due to the damages on my Lungs and Central nervous system which was as a result of my direct exposure to the deadly Sarin Gas that was used in the said Chemical Attack.
Having known my condition and since we do not have any child throughout our years of marriage, I have decided to donate my Late Husband Funds to an organization or better still a Godly individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct him/her hence i am contacting you with this offer. I want you to use this fund to assist orphanages/old people's homes or any charitable projects of your choice that will be of benefit to the larger society. I took this decision because my late husband relatives are people of questionable characters and because they did not approve of our marriage in the first place since i am from a Christain Minority. I don't need any telephone communication in this regard due to my health condition and because of the fact that i don't want my late husband's relatives to know of the existence of the Funds.
As soon as I receive your positive reply with your full contact details like Full Names, Residential Address, Telephone Number and copy of any of your identity proof, I shall give same to my lawyer that will prepare the necessary documentations from a competent Court that will present you as my legitimate Next of Kin to the deposited Fund. Any delay or none response on your part will give me room in sourcing for another organization or individual for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated here in. I am also willing to give you 50% of the total U$28,200,000.00 (Twenty-Eight Million, Two Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) Funds for your generous work while the balance fund is what you are to be use for the Charitable Works.
Remain blessed in the name of the Lord, as I hope to have a positive response from you.
Yours in Christ
Ms. Zeinah Mansour.
Email: zeinah.mansour@aol.com
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Čítajte inde:
- http://finance.idnes.cz/jak-se-ucinne-branit-podvodnym-e-mailum
- http://www.dtest.cz/clanek-2360/podvodne-e-maily
- http://www.viry.cz/